The Legacy Society ($20,000 and above)
The Eagle Society ($15,000 - $19,999)
Candler & Kathleen Wilson
The Bell Society ($10,000 - $14,999)
Colonial Oil Foundation
The Gold Society ($5,000 - $9,999)
Priscilla Carrington
Jesse & Kelsey Bentley
Michael & Rebekah Hoffman
Wes & Emily Stone
Cody & Nicki Tharpe
The Green Society ($1,000 - $4,999)
Robert & Terry Banta
Blake & Sarah Berg
Randall Booker
Kelly & Melissa Bouchillon
Brad & Leslie Bowman
Chris Bertha & Nicole Wellington
Drew & Nina Kate Brackett
Cal & Katie Chancy
Guy & Courtney Davidson
Matthew & Lindsey DeLoach
Houstoun & Allison Demere
Chetan & Vanessa Deshpande
Merritt & Lauren Dixon
Brett & Katie Feemster
Nick & Allyson Finland
Tyler & Casey Forbes
Brent & Molly Goodman
Blake & Lindsay Greco
Michael & Rachel Hasselle
Jonathan & Ashleigh Headley
Adam & Stephanie Hess
Paul & Krista Hinchey
Joe & Michelle Ippolito
Mike & Katie Joyner
Jeffrey & Monica Kenney
Brad & Nicole Kleinsteuber
Trevor & Madaleine Lockwood
Brett & Heather Lundy
John & Megan Manly
Brent & Toni McCullough
James & Kendall McCurry
Josh & Carolyn McIntosh
Jonathan & Abagail Mitchell
Gus & Louise Morgan
Matthew Nuttall & Nancy Backus
Ken & Courtney Odermatt
Mitul & Smita Patel
Jason & Susannah Pedigo
Hunter & Paige Saussy
Morton & Leslie Shor
D'mitri & Erin Sofianos
Richard & Patricia Tallon
Clinton & Melissa Tanner
Travis & Lindsay Thomas
Jackson & Erica Timmons
James & Sheriden Ward
Corbin Wardlaw & Christy Bunton
Donald & Stacey Wendling
Chris & Megan Yarbrough
Boyce & Anna Young
Brooks & Lauren Zeigler
The Patron Society ($1 - $999)
Mete Akcaoglu & Asli Aslan
Andrew & Lara Albert
Matt & Heather Albert
John & Lindsey Albright
Brooke Armstrong
Michael & Leigh Bailey
Bart Bellairs
Andrew & Summer Benton
Vijay & Vaishali Biraj
Kirk & Ashley Blaine
Lauren Blatt
Ben & Megan Bluemle
Kathleen Booker
Jennifer Borak
Rob & Jessica Bowden
Rand & Jennifer Boyd
Jeff & Allison Braswell
Melanie Broderick
Daniel & Samantha Brody
Katherine Brody
Lawrence & Robin Brody
Josh & Jessica Burford
Hunter & Shrader Burns
John Burt III & Kelly Burt
Jason & Lauren Butler
Paige Byrne
Tim & Emily Cameron
Alex Campbell
Nicholas Carbo & Louisa Daly
Vladimir De Cardenas
Jack Cargile & Elizabeth Godfrey
Manny Carucci
Lauren Chapman
Clay & Ginny Cheshire
Robert & Brittany Chivington
Estella Cofer
Jerry & Lauren Cohn
Sean Conlen & Priti Nath
Dylan & Amy Cox
Charleen Crawford
Howard Crawford
Robert & Alexandra Crosby
Kevin & Anne Crouch
Sam & Amy Daniel
Yash Desai & Roma Patel
Dave D'Incau
Carolyn Dean
Tyler & Kelsey DeBlieux
Julio & Ismary De Castro
Jamie & Brooke Deen
Anne Demere
David & Brooke Denhard
Brian & Caroline DeRosa
Cindy Drew
Sean & Shannon Durkin
Harrison & Haley Enfinger
Patrick Ennis & Kayleigh Ward
Joe & Pam Farless
Dwight & Barbara Feemster
Michael & Jennifer Fell
Lindsay Ferkol
Shaun & Rachel Fields
Kevin & Julie Fiora
David & Haley Fowler
Chris & Katie Frohn
Chris Frost
Lauren Frost
Ryan & Clayborne Fulchi
Dave Fulton
Amelia Gagnon
Meredith Galea
Matthew & Cara Getter
Liz Gilpin
Meagan Godwin
Erin Golshani
Melissa Gordon
Katie Green
Matt & Ellen Grill
Tricia Guggenheim
Rachael Hall
Adam & Katie Hart
Michael & Lauren Hatten
Matt & Julie Hayes
Michele Hayes
Stephanie Herb
Clay & Helen Hester
Emerson & Marcia Hoffman
Chris & Kristen Hoover
Amy Horton
Octave & Jennifer Houdegbe
Kathryn Hughes
William & Emily Hunter
Amy Johnson
Craig & Glenda Johnson
Andrew & Carey Jones
Corey & Emily Jones
David Jones
Dylan Jones
Justin & Amy Jones
Chris & Jan Kicklighter
Jason & Amanda Kobek
Gregory & Martina Kolovich
Suzannah Kurhajian
Justin & Hatty Lake
Brooks & Nancy Landry
Brooks & Jamie Lane
Christopher & Alix Lane
Grant & Megan Lane
Sean Lanfear
Nick & Kristina Laybourn
Miles & Allyson Lee
Brad & Lindsey Literati
Sarah Lopez
Jon & Tracey Love
David & Peggy Lucius
Jim & Allison Lynes
Robert & Laura MacGregor
Allison Maher
Madison Mannarino
Alan & Meredith Manning
Brian & Amy Markowitz
Tony & Holly Martin
Brooks & Laura Kate Mathews
Marcela Matthee
Todd & Jenny Mayo
John & Liza McConnell
Chris & Lily McCormick
Radly & Lesley McDaniel
Andrew & Shelley McIntosh
Ryan & Marvee McKenzie
Tyler & Brooke McKinnon
Aimee Miller
Brian & Nancy Mimbs
Matthew & Jennifer Mobley
Ashley Moody
Amy Morgan
Philip & Winn Morgan
Anita Morris
Michelle Mullally
Michael & Tanya Mulqueen
Tanner & Megan Murphree
Becky Murphy
Allison Nguyen
Alan & Kimberly Nowell
Monica Odom
William & Jessica Olliff
Larry O'Hayer
Zane & Olivia Page
Martha Parsons
Randy & Allison Parsons
Romin & Heli Patel
Viral & Bharti Patel
Molly Paulick
Sean & Lane Pelliccione
Michael & Katie Perkins
Ginny Phillips
Anthony & Regina Poulos
Tanner & Brooke Powell
John & Amanda Prather
Eric & Michelle Prescott
Brian & Savanna Prevatt
Ray Quintanilla
Tony & Karen Reardon
Walter & Kari Reardon
Randy & Caroline Rhodes
Rob & Carol Richter
James Roberds
Brian & Lindsey Roberts
Marci Roberts
Pat Royal
Katharine Russell
Jenny Saunders
Narayan Saviskas
Greg Scordato
Mark & Ayrizona Sharpe
Nirav & Punam Sheth
Luis & Melanie Simón
Randall & Leslie Sizemore
Elizabeth Slater
Pate & Morgan Smith
Seth & Lindsey Speir
Drew & Jordan Stevenson
James & Chelsea Stoever
Keenan & Isabelle Summerlin
Richard & Cindy Swan
Kathleen Swanner
Daniel & Stephanie Sweeney
Grant & Jackie Tallon
Vin & Hattie Thomas
Brad & Sarah Thompson
Matt & Kelli Usher
Cyrus & Edith Utley
Margaret Voorhees
Elias & Carrie Wahesh
Timothy Walmsley
Ben & Ashley Wanager
Blake & Marianne Waters
Hayley Waters
Russell & Alexandra Waters
Brent & Rebecca Watts
Charles & Landon Way
Allen & Ellen Williams
Jim & Allison Willis
Lindsay Wilson
Ben & Ellen Wooditch
Adair Woods
Norman Yates III & Andrea Yates
Lee & Patti Young
Corey & Heather Zimmerman
Your support enables the school to move forward and accomplish all that we have envisioned for our students of today and tomorrow.
With the help of the Excellence Fund, we can provide our teachers and students with the educational tools they need to stay abreast of new technology in the classroom, continue to update the science curriculum, enhance music and arts, expand the middle school, and offer professional growth opportunities for faculty.
We encourage you to donate to the Excellence Fund. Your gift, in any amount, is an investment in every student's education at Hancock Day School. A culture of giving is at the heart of any great educational institution. Gifts to the Excellence Fund support Hancock’s mission to give our students "Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly."
- Revamp the school lunch program
- Launch a nutritious lunch service by SAGE Dining Services to fuel students' minds and bodies and promote healthy living and academic success. (Will begin in January 2025)
- Advance Educational Technology
- Expand access to cutting-edge technology, tools, and resources so students and teachers can explore, create, and excel.
- Purchase new Chromebooks for 3rd and 4th grade students
- Enhance Outdoor Learning Spaces
- Revitalize engaging and imaginative outdoor learning environments to spark students' curiosity, creativity, and appreciation for nature.
- Improve Classroom Furniture
- Enhance classroom furniture to boost daily comfort and increase student engagement and attention span.
- Upgrade P.E. and Athletic Equipment
- Upgrade physical education and athletics equipment to enhance students' enjoyment of fitness and encourage overall wellness.
Hancock Day School offers its supporters a variety of ways to donate to the school, including naming opportunities. Below is a list of naming opportunities that are available. For more information, please call 912-351-4500 or email Vaishali Biraj, Director of Development, at
- Middle School Building __ $500,000
- Primary School Building — $250,000
- Lower School Building — $250,000
- Hancock Hall — $75,000
- Classrooms — $20,000
- Click HERE to make a one-time or recurring gift to The Excellence Fund with credit card through our secure giving portal.
- VENMO your gift to @hancockdayschool (account with school logo) and include "Excellence Fund" as the note.
- Text 'Give' to 706-605-3667, and follow the prompts
- Mail or drop off a check in the main front office with "Excellence Fund" in the memo
- Donate through the 'Give' section of the FACTS Parent App
- Ask the school to set up a recurring or one-time payment through your family FACTS Incidental account
- Download the PLEDGE CARD and mail or drop off your gift to the school
Hancock Day School is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this contribution. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by IRS regulations.
- Revamped the school lunch program
- Began full renovations to the kitchen in Hancock Hall to implement a new school lunch program catered by SAGE Dining Services starting in January 2025
- New learning support classroom
- Transformed classroom space into a private environment dedicated for students to receive one-on-one and small group support tailored to their unique needs, fostering individual growth
- Advanced Educational Technology
- Installed 11 new 75" SMART-Tech RX Series Interactive Whiteboards for Pre-K, 5th grade, MS English, and MS Science classrooms.
- This hardware will significantly enhance student engagement by augmenting teachers’ ability to lead interactive, multi-modal lessons for their students. We will install these devices in additional rooms over the next two to three years, eventually placing a new interactive whiteboard in all academic classrooms.
- Enhanced Outdoor Learning Spaces
- Completed the final phase of the three-year garden project
- Updated lobby and office spaces
- Renovated the main front lobby and administrative offices, including paint, new floors, and updated furniture (arrives October 2024)